Sometimes you hear an artist whose story gives life to their music. Such is the case with DONTFEEDTHEWOLVES. Rooted in...
Mollie Elizabeth finally got to release her debut single “Vegas Venetian”, having gained internet virality with the song’s demo version....
Nordoff and Robbins, the UK’s largest music therapy charity that uses music to transform lives, has announced the first wave...
From Spain comes an amazing new song, “Amor de Sábanas”, by Arancha Santiago and SANTI SERRA. The flamenco-influenced Latin-pop song...
After a few years in the corporate world, New York-born Marlee Vox got to launch her music career recently. Released...
Halifax-based Canadian band Strange Plants teamed up with producer Robbie Crowell to create “Tell Me All Your Secrets Pt. 2”....
INTI.memoria is a talented German-Peruvian artist and producer who is also the lead singer of the band Memoria. He is...
A couple of days after beating Drake to become the rapper with the highest ever Spotify monthly listeners, Kendrick Lamar...
When you discover a brand new artist whose sound hits you, it s like finding a gem. Such is the...
After taking some break, London artist VC Pines is back with new music. The singer-songwriter’s new single “Break” is, actually,...